Christopher Mackin is the Founder and President of Ownership Associates, Inc. of Cambridge, MA.
Ownership Associates provides “after the transaction” assessment, training and corporate governance services to companies broadly owned by their employees
Christopher Mackin serves as a partner at American Working Capital, LLC, of Chicago and New York City.
American Working Capital is a merchant banking firm that specializes in broad based employee ownership transactions.
Christopher Mackin serves as a Carey Research Fellow at the Institute for Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing based at the Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations in New Brunswick, NJ.
Christopher Mackin earned a Doctorate in Human Development at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. His thesis was entitled: “The Social Psychology of Ownership: A Case Study of a Democratically Owned Firm. “
Chris writes occasionally for media organizations including the PBS Newshour, The New Republic, The Nation and Challenge: The Magazine of Economic Affairs.
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